Thursday, November 20, 2008

Seo Step by step - The title tags - speed up your ranking

In my two precedent post i wrote about the external characteristics of the continuos improvement for who want to start a business website.

Now I want to speack about another important factor that improves your ranking and your business too is the optimization of your title tag for your web page.

Why we give the prominence to this tag?

There could be many answers to this question but the prominence of this tag was given by the list of results obtain from some query write on search engine input box.

The title appears every time you are looking for some information or resource on the web.

When you write some keyword or key phrase on search engine box the this lists all resources nad web page with this specific key or phrase .

What do you have to do to make the title tag more competitive in the search engine ranking?

This step is no simple work to do because if you enter one or two keywords in it you don't have finish and you'll need to verify the success of your actions for a long time.
For example the position of the keywords entered or the length of the title and many more particular thing to use for a great result

in this example I wrote the query = "Seo title tag optimization" and this is the result

Now you write this query "seo title tag " it doesn't list the same result,do it?.

Let the serp (Searc Engine Result Page) meet your page and when it appens the title tag helps the serp to know what your contents are or wich is your business or if your particular page contains the information that someone is looking for.

On the web there are many articles about this argouments...

here it is some resource:
this is very interesting and complete article. very good

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