Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Let them know your status and your traffic will increase

How many social network or community do you take part in?

A lot, well!!!
If you have a web site or blog and you want to increase your business you can get more traffic from your update status in these communities where you take part in.

Where do you have an account?
Facebook? Twitter? Linkedin? Bebo? or more than these?

If you don't have a lot of time to change or update your status in these communities you separately spend a lot of time to log in it.

There are, on the web, a services that you can update your status and simultanely it can appear on the communities that you choose or where you have an account in.

This is the List of sites that help you to upload your status with a click:

this service supports all the most important communities on the web, you can update your status via sms or email and all the data are encripted. For me this is the best services that i've used.
with you can upload your status but it does not support a lot communities like hellotxt.

I have tried to use these service and i have seen a good results from them.

Try it soon and you can optimaze your time with the same results.

Bye to the next.



Makoy said...

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Lilian said...

thanks for sharing...ill try the and 1st one and lets see how it goes.

Natalie said...

Great information. I didn't know about HelloTxt. Thanks for sharing your knowledge. My name is Natalie and I have a blog about sleep at . Please visit my site if you like.

Omponk said...

Hwow, HelloTxt is new for me. Thanks for the advice.

Well, lets see is it work for me..

visit at